THUNDER is a versatile layout integration platform to support heavy layout handling efforts from post P&R, IP merge automation &management,
physical ECO verification (XOR LVL, connectivity, etc), DRC/LVS debugging interface, and even (in-line inspection) defect-to-layout mapping, failure analysis
and chip-package integration (interposer vs. InFO RDL-routing, pins connectivity, etc). ThunderDB is the proprietary database and is efficient to handle huge
layout data with the extreme performance of up to 600+GB GDS equivalent per minute. Users can then perform big data analysis for further processing
(e.g. 3D-view, cross-section, density mapping, wafer map), machine-learning based optimization, and manipulating data from GDS, OASIS, LEF/DEF, MEBES,
OpenAccess and 3rdparty tools output.